Basic Linux commands cheat sheet for common use (including basic VI commands)
These will get you through 80% of your day-to-day work.
Folders & Files Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
Actions | Linux commands |
View contents of a folder | ls -l |
List files and folder sizes (only first level) | du -sh * |
Find free, used, and total space used | df -h |
Count files in a directory | ls -1 | wc -l |
Zip a directory | zip -r myfolder |
Unzip a file | unzip |
Create a new folder | mkdir foldername |
Recursively delete a folder | rm -rf foldername |
Create a new file | touch new-file.txt |
Delete a file | rm new-file.txt |
Move files from subfolder to parent | mv mysubfolder/* ./ |
Copy a folder recursively | cp -R myfolder/ myfolder_backup/ |
Copy a file | cp file.txt file-copy.txt |
Rename a file | mv oldFileName newFileName |
Display the current directory | pwd |
Search in the current directory | find . -name pattern find . -name mynameprefix\* ("pattern" = file and folder name) |
Find all file and folder names | find / -name pattern |
Combine many text files into one | cat ./folder/* all.txt |
More resources for handling files and folders/directories in Linux.
- Working with files and directories in Linux
- Linux Commands for Managing Files & Directories
- Find Files and Folders in Linux
Basic VI Cheat Sheet
VI and VIM have many functions, but these are the top commands to open, save, close, edit and search a file. For more actions, check out a more complete VI cheat sheet or VIM cheat sheet.
Action | Vi Commands |
Edit file | vi filename |
Save file | :w |
Begin editing | i |
Exit editing mode | ESC |
Save the file and quit the editor | :wq |
Quit file | :q |
Quit file without saving | :q! |
Display file numbers | :set nu |
Delete an entire line | dd |
Search for a string or pattern | /pattern |
Services Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
Action | Linux commands |
View the Linux version | uname -a |
Find the PHP version | php -i |
Search for PHP settings location | find / -name "php.ini" php -i | grep php.ini |
Restart Apache | /etc/init.d/apache2 restart |
Start MySQL | service mysqld start |
Check if MySQL is running | ps afux | grep -i mysql |
Stop MySQL | service mysqld stop |
MySQL At The Command Line
Although I prefer to use a MySQL GUI like Sequel Ace for managing SQL, sometimes it’s you have to get your hands dirty and access the data from the command line.
Action | MySQL Code |
MySQL login | mysql -u root -p ("root" is your username) |
Find running threads | mysqladmin processlist; |
List all databases | show databases; |
Select a database | use dbname; |
List tables in a database | show tables; |
Show table structure | describe tablename; |
View table contents | SELECT * FROM tablename; |
Insert a table row | INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2) VALUES(15, 22); |
Update a table row | UPDATE user_posts SET status_id = 2 WHERE id = '109'; |
Delete a table row | DELETE FROM table WHERE user = 'john'; |
Export database | mysqldump -uroot -p1234 dbname > dump.sql (where "root" = username and "1234" = password) |
In-depth resources for MySQL.
- MySQL cheat sheet via Devhints
- MySQL Tutorial’s MySQL cheat sheet
- MySQL cheat sheet on Github.
Cleanup Space on Linux
From time to time, server space issues can pop up. Here are quick ways to free up space in Ubuntu.
Action | Linux Commands |
Access admin rights | sudo -i |
Clean APT cache (check size, clean, check size) | du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives sudo apt-get clean du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives |
Remove old kernels | sudo apt-get autoremove --purge |
Uninstall unused apps | sudo apt-get remove package-name1 |
Remove no longer required packages | sudo apt-get autoremove |
Further resources for freeing up space on a Linux Server.
- Ask Ubuntu: How do I free up disk space?
- 7 Simple Ways to Free Up Space on Ubuntu and Linux Mint
- How to Clean Up Disk Space in Linux
Bonus: Debug PHP Files
Action | |
Syntax check all php files in a directory | find . -type f -name ".php" -exec php -l {} \; | grep -v 'No syntax errors' |
More Linux Commands Cheat Sheets
- My basic Git commands cheat sheet
- Guru 99’s Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
- Linux Training Academy’s Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
- How to Use Linux Commands Cheat Sheet